Friday, May 6, 2016


title image

the objects constructed under lap are based on following method

a bunch of curves (either open polyline curves or closed free form loops) are extruded along a path of any shape and length,yet only a few of these curve-extrusions are allowed to complete a full 360 degree rotation.

the specific formal elements are

1: number of extruded curves = C = 1-8
2: number of extruded curves allowed a full 360 degree lap = L = 1-3
3: number of different shapes in curves = S = 1-4

on top of these structural elements,a decorative element is included to emphasize some linear path/curves/blended form.
4: number of linear path allowed on any curve(s) = P = 1-5

all possible combinations were listed and I let one of my students Ali to randomly choose 31 of these numerical combinations.

stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch 
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch

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