Friday, May 6, 2016


title image

objects in peephole are constructed through the following system.

a cluster of straight lines is arranged in any formation,either free existing or arranged along a path.these lines are treated as the structural bones inside an enclosed volume.all the end points of all lines are to be designed as openings out of/into that enclosed volume.the enclosure will be created by projecting/lofting surfaces from end points .(the straight lines are used only to determine the distance between two end points and for a general direction/shape of the form,but lines do not have any active part in deciding the form of skin on the object)

elements of forming are

1: number of straight structural lines = L = 4 - 9
2: shapes of end points within one form = S = 1 - 3

 in addition to these structural element,one more decorative element is added

3: number of linear ribs on the surface  = R = 1 - 4

all possible combinations are listed below,out of which 25 are selected randomly to develop sketches.

some STAGE ONE drawings...
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one drawing
stage one drawing
stage one drawing
stage one drawing
stage one drawing 
stage one drawing
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch

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