Thursday, April 28, 2016

following are the rough steps i usually take from start to end

  1. i think about how interesting forms can be constructed out of bare formal elements, like lines, points, curves, volumes, enclosures, openings, restriction, division, multiplication and more. at this stage, i only have a rough idea of how a form may look like because i am not thinking about the finished product, but the systems or ways through which enclosed forms may be constructed. so honestly, most of the the work at this stage is somehow abstract, quite undefined and certainly blind to the results, but if i am convinced that the system may work, i go ahead with it.
  2. i decided the elements and list down all possible combinations.
  3. edit the list if needed.
  4. draw 3D forms strictly following the rules/dictation. sometimes i come up with more than one drawing because EVERY equation can TRULY and HONESTLY be interpreted into multiple different forms. these drawings are STAGE ONE drawings, which means these are true interpretations but may or may not be useful as practical objects, or interesting for anyone including myself, or aesthetically remarkable.
  5. i look at my own drawings after a break of a few days. this is when i am able to look a it critically, in order to decide if this form has any potential to be developed into more meaningful one. this also is the first time i am able to see the 3D OBJECT on the paper as opposed to the 2D drawing.this is when i may refine the form if desired through a STAGE TWO drawing, yet i make sure that the improved form stays true to the original dictatorial equation.
  6. a drawing, no matter how refined or detailed, is only a 2D drawing until it is translated into any 3D material. as i like to make all the forms through slip-casting, the first time these form-ideas enter the real world is when i carve these out of plaster-of-paris blocks. these forms go through another phase of change/development because weight,size,balance,fabrication limitations become important actors. once the form is carved into a 3D material.another set of aesthetic,functional and practical merits have to be applied on it which demands tweaking of formal elements,yet i ensure again that this 3D form does not violate original rules laid out at the start.

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