Monday, April 25, 2016


title image

objects constructed under cirque are based on the following

an open bowl-like,double walled form having different cross section designs for inner surface and outer is like placing one sculptural cavity inside a different sculptural cavity.

to achieve this result two different sets of the following three formal elements are grouped in a way that one set of three formal elements will form the outer sculptural shell and the other one will decide the form of inner sculptural shell.

1: form/shape of the volumes, S = 1 - 4
2: number of volumes, V = 1 - 4
3: opening , O = 1 - 4

some STAGE ONE sketches...

stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch 
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch 
stage one sketch 
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch

stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch 
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one drawing
stage one drawing
stage one drawing
stage one drawing

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