Monday, April 25, 2016


title image

OARFIN was born during my residency at international ceramics studio in Hungary in january 2016.
OARFIN was to be a collection of tiny forms based on two formal elements, fin-like flat protrusions, and angles at which these multiple fins were connected to each other. 
OARFIN at that time was a formal exercise aimed at making thin dynamic forms to be used as necklace pendants. 
it is now an ongoing project because at ICS, I was mostly able to sort out various practical problems regarding slip casting such thin forms. 
some images from my work at ICS are posted here

Although my work at ICS was fruitful in some ways, i feel it was somehow limited ,mostly because of time limitation,yet it gave me a clear idea of practical issues regarding slip casting.
more recently i have added complexity to the experiment and have followed the following system for form generation.
1: number of fin-like-protrusions = F = 2 - 7
2: number of different shapes of fins = S = 2 - 5
3: number of decorative/additional angles incorporated in final form = A = 2 - 7

in the beginning i used the triaxial method but since it leaves out many interesting combinations,i quit using it for good.instead of that i like to list down all possible combinations and let someone choose a few randomly for my use,if the initial list is too long to be practical.

even then, some combinations just cannot work logically.removing them edites the list even further. 

some STAGE ONE sketches...
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch
stage one sketch

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